Saturday, 3 January 2015

New Year, New Beginnings........

I contemplated deleting this blog, but on reflection I thought not. I may have been inactive for the past 18 months but I have made some commitments to myself this year and by sharing them with my friends I hope will gather the momentum I need to meet my own expectations.

So what are the short and long term plans?

1. Get the junk out of my work room and begin the grand 'Chuck out'- this applies to everything in this house!

2. re-establish the routines that I was once quite good at...It takes 28 consecutive days to get into a habit.....we're on day 3!

3.Begin the grand plan - the time is right for me to quit my job and move on, this is very scary but I don't want to regret not carrying out my well thought out decision through fear.....Watch this space!

And wishing all my friends and Family 
A Happy and Healthy New Year!

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