Thursday, 29 March 2012

It's been a while..........Sorry!

I have been very remiss in keeping up to date, but I have had some bad news to deal with too. In February I was diagnosed with the disease chronic lymphocytic leaukaemia, so as you can imagine I have been bouncing off the walls for a bit trying to get my head around it all. Glad to say I am feeling a lot calmer and beginning to come to terms with having something for which there is no cure and has to get a whole lot worse before there is any treatment to put it into remission. So........ focus on creating, sewing and enjoying my favourite things.......

And my latest thing is trying to recreate the Lenci type pressed felt dolls, this is my first attempt, the next one is looking better, I'll post pictures when I'm done.

Saturday, 21 January 2012


My first attempt at making my own raggedy doll, just in time for Valentines day! there are a lot of things I will change for the next one but she cheers me up!

I am blessed with a very fit and active daughter but it does mean travelling to all the various events and much time spent 'hanging' around. Not that I mind all of that. I did think this was quite a nice photo of her at her last trampolining event.

And it's my dear old Dad's Birthday today, Happy Birthday Dad hope its a good one!

Friday, 13 January 2012

I started at a pace.........

We seam to have started this year running and still running........
I'm still trying to clear out my work room so that I can really get on with my projects that are all wanting attention but there is too much clutter!

I haven't found my little bit of peace yet, it might be something to do with living with a 14 year old who has school exams right now and a little stressy to say the least, or a usually very good and loveable dog suddenly deciding that he won't come when he's called or major changes in the day job that are worrying everyone.....who knows but I'm sure I will find it soon, I wonder if this is the flavour of the year?

This was a very hurried bit of bunting for a friend in need.

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Happy New Year......

May 2012 bring everything you wish for.

I promise to do better in keeping in touch with all my wonderful friends out there in blogland! It has been a very hectic Holiday season and I've only just found some time to sit and carefully reflect on the past year and think about the coming year and what I need to do. But, plans are afoot for some great adventures.........