We pitched our tent in lovely sunshine overlooking the Dorset/Hampshire downs, I love being up here and on a good day you can see as far as the Isle of Wight!
The trees were suitably decorated as usual and this year there were 9 permanent little woodland doors placed in memory of special people associated with the Larmer Tree festival, I only managed to find 3 though!
Alice and Lauren all togged up for 50's revival night at Saturday dress up, the wellies were the finishing touch! and as I was working on the gate I decided to go as me!....a product of the 50's in my 50's thought that would have to do!
Waiting for one on the bands on the main stage
All was well and then on my shift at the main gate the heavens opened........
My colleagues at the gate...still smiling!
And then this happened..........
Wellies are definately the fashion item of the day.... But a wonderful time had by all and I'm told we haven't got as bad as Glastonbury yet!!