Sunday, 10 May 2009

More heads....

New batch of heads out of the kiln, scrubbed up and ready for painting. beginning to get enthused again about this particular project. still have the Brus to finish but they are well under's just those leather bodies!!

The weather has been glorious again, unfortunately the garden and the workroom are in competition for my attention!

Sunday, 3 May 2009

Spring lambs

It has been a lovely few days. the dog and i had a glorious walk today around Old Sarum and it was lovely to see the spring lambs.....

Saturday, 2 May 2009

New month, new resolutions!

Its the beginning of the month and I am really going to try and keep up to date with this blog. I haven't been idle but just seam to be running out of time. Stop the world (just briefly) I'd like to get off!

The garden has been taking much of my time, says she as I watch the grass grow! but I have been pouring and cleaning up greenware and my round robin doll is made and on her way to Belgium for the first leg of her trip.

I plan to have at least 3 finished french dolls by September for the GDS doll fair, though haven't made plans to go yet, that will depend on child care arrangements and finances nearer the time.